1997 was a different time.
I decided to buy Japanese manga, but it was only available in Japan or in specialty bookstores in the US. So, I bought directly from Japan. Manga, or Japanese comics are usually printed in weekly “phone books” on cheap paper.
I bought one of those one time, out of curiosity. The paper for this one was yellow with black-and-white drawings. But I was buying tankobon, collected works from specific authors, since I was trying to learn the language.
However, to order directly from the company in Japan, I had to type in the titles on the online form. It was most like the order form you might see in a catalog. You couldn’t “click to buy” then.
And I was typing in America on a QWERTY keyboard. [1] The Japanese language, kanji, is character-based and looks nothing like what you’d see on a keyboard. Since it was the 90s, you couldn’t order a special keyboard on Amazon, much less use an online one, such as Lexilogos. I had learned the katakana, but learning kanji takes longer. [2]
So, I looked up the characters online and cut and pasted them one at a time.
I also paid in the Japanese currency, yen. After spending 5,000 yen, I realized that I didn’t know how much I had paid. I panicked: What was my husband going to say?
So, I called the credit card company and asked. The woman on the other end paused for a moment and said, “I don’t know that. You know, no one’s ever asked me that before. Can I get your phone number, and I’ll call you back?”
And she did.
I’d spent about $50. Today, I would go to xe.com and find out. [3]Even then I wouldn’t have had to, if I’d known the rule: One Japanese yen was always about one penny.
But that has changed too.
Thank you for reading.
[1] For those of you not typing on an English keyboard—QWERTY spells out the letters for the left side on the top line.
[2] This is what a katakana keyboard looks like: https://www.lexilogos.com/keyboard/katakana.htm
[3] Here’s the link: https://www.xe.com.
Yes, 1997 was a very different time. I cannot imagine the time it took you to paste one character at a time! The internet has been such a godsend, while also being the bane of our existence. Sites like XE.com - priceless!